Intensive Care Unit

A skilled, professionally trained staff monitors and treats the patient using advanced technological support and specified medications in an effort to provide quality, personalized care.

To meet each patient’s unique needs, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach that involves doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physical and respiratory therapists and social services. Our team is dedicated to providing expert healthcare and to treating patients with the compassion and respect they deserve.

We understand that when a loved one is admitted to ICU, they are not the only one affected. Please observe the following rules and guidelines if your family member or loved one is being cared for in our Intensive Care Unit:

    • Stop at the Nurses’ station and identify yourself when you arrive and when you call the unit.
    • Please perform hand hygiene before and after visiting your loved one (use alcohol hand gel or soap and water)
    • No more than two visitors at a time can be in the room. Please understand other patients’ visiting arrangements may differ from your loved one.
    • When a patient’s door and curtain is closed, a health care professional is attending to the patient; please do not enter the room.
    • When a patient is resting, requests no visitors, or when the health care team is providing care, visitation may be restricted.

Visiting Hours

10:00 am – 11:00 am
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
5:00 pm – 5:30 pm
8:00 pm – 9: 00 pm

Phone #

To speak with an ICU Nurse,
please call 318-927-2024
and request extension 152